
Empire total war spanish
Empire total war spanish

empire total war spanish

empire total war spanish

Naples, Portugal, Austria, Flanders, Netherlands, Spain, Curaqao, Morocco, Lombardy, Gibraltar, Texas, Trinidad & TobagoĬapture and hold 25 regions by the end of the year 1799, including the regions shown. Gibraltar, Texas, Lombardy, Austria, Netherlands, Flanders, Trinidad & Tobago, Naples, Spain, CuraqaoĬapture and hold 35 regions by the end of the year 1799, including the regions shown. Completa tu coleccin de Total War con esta Definitive Edition de Total War: EMPIRE, que incluye todos los DLC y actualizaciones desde el lanzamiento del juego: Atrvete con la Campaa Warpath y lidera una de las 5 facciones de nativos americanos en una guerra pica para defender tus tierras y expulsar a los invasores. live in safety, and another depicted an episode of an indigenous total war: the. When he dies, what forces will shape the destiny of the Empire? Will Spain once again face its Protestant rivals down? Will there be a new generation of conquistadores to plant the Spanish flag on distant shores? His successor will have much to ponder, but a brave nation to lead back to greatness!Ĭapture and hold 25 regions by the end of the year 1750, including the regions shown. Above all, a Spanish-Apache coalition would protect New Mexico and the. Spain has suffered from his weakness of mind and government, but Charles cannot live forever. Charles II, “El Hechizado” or “the Bewitched” is a feeble-minded and pathetic figure, a shadow of his Hapsburg ancestors, and childless. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. That Spain will need defending, and soon, is self-evident to many. Indeed, Spain is blessed with courageous men on both land and sea. But a gentleman’s honour is worth defending and a nation’s glory is worth winning, so courage is not in short supply. Economic growth is also not helped when it is beneath the dignity of any hidalgo gentleman to earn money or work. This may be so, but this lack of credit does not help the merchant classes. This partly explains why, for all its wealth, Spain is economically backward: the Church sees usury (money lending) as sinful. Spain is a staunchly Catholic country, and the Church and the fearsome Spanish Inquisition still have their hold over men’s hearts.

empire total war spanish

Empire total war spanish mod#

They succeeded, to a great degree, in all three aims. Empire: Total War mod Released summary articles reviews files addons videos images The files in this mod consist of Graphics P1 and P2, BSM from imperial destroyer mod, recolored maps, loading screens, European unit and ship icons, almost all new portraits, new female advisor and new 13 colonies and French flag. The Spanish went conquering “for God, Spain and to get rich”. Indeed, the Spanish and Portuguese signed a treaty in 1494 that neatly divided the world between themselves. (At the buttom of this it's just a matter of what the players personal style of warfare is) But up to the year 1710 - 1720 i would recommend small fleet with midd/small sized vessels with high speed and long range guns for getting the most out of the money you are paying for the ship.The Spanish have long been conquerors and colonisers in distant parts. No need to make big fleets and smash everything "american Style"(blow em all up) small, fast and effective fleets. you can blockade almost all the worlds ports if you use smaller vessels. And why have 20 admiral ship laying around when it ain't nessesary.

empire total war spanish

And the ships have many more tactics to approaching the enemy than the land armies have. The ships are dependent on wind, turning speed, speed and accuracy. the wall that fires the fastest and holds ground the longest win. And naval battle cant be compared with land battle, the land battles (with untrained line-inf) is just walls firing at each other. The fourth rate is the smallest vessel styled a ship of the line (of. The fourth rate is the smallest vessel styled a ship of the line (of battle), carrying as many as 60 guns. These are very expensive and powerful vessels. "Heavy battleships" ? The Galleon is a "heavely armed trade ship" And the first rates are normally seen as a "Floating fortress". The first rate is the largest type of ship of the line of battle, intended to be the centre of any fleet.

Empire total war spanish